Tax Relief Programs
Providing What You Need

A person must be a ME resident, 62 years old and older, AND have served on active duty during a recognized war period OR; be receiving 100% disability compensation for a service connected injury
A person must be a ME resident and have owned and resided in that homestead for at least 12 months prior to date of application or in another home within the state of Maine.
A person determined to be legally blind by a medical doctor.
People who install Solar on their residents may qualify for this exemption.
For businesses that own qualified equipment placed in services after April 1st, 2007
For businesses that own qualified equipment placed in services before April 1st, 2007 but not later than April 1st 1995
A parcel of land with at least 10 forested acres which are harvested for commercial purposes.
Property must have a minimum of 5 acres and produce an income from agricultural use.
No minimum acreage but the parcel must be undeveloped and providing a public benefit.
No minimum acreage but the parcel must be providing access to or in support of the conduct of commercial fishing activities.
Eligible Maine residents can receive a partial refund of property taxes and/or rent paid on their primary residence.
A contract with the state that give you the ability to defer your property taxes until you are able to pay, you pass and your heirs can pay, or you sell the home and use that money to pay what was deferred.
You must be at least 65 years old or have a documented disability that makes you unable to be employed as of April 1 of this year.
You must own this property without limitations (fee simple) and this property receives a homestead exemption.
The property must not currently be in a municipal deferral program, there must not be any municipal liens against it, and there must not be any prohibitions against the property that prevent selling it.